Tuesday, March 10, 2020

March 11 - Give to the Poor

The world is full of people with fears.

Some of us fear pain. So we collect means of safety and security.

Some of us fear insignificance. So we collect opportunities for meaningful contributions to the world.

Some of us fear worthlessness. So we collect achievements and accolades.

Any threat to our collections is, in essence, a threat to our existence.

These things we collect are not evil in and of themselves. And yet, everything on earth fades, rusts, and decays. There is nothing on earth we can collect that will give everlasting security, meaning, or worth to us, and when we count on them to do so, we will do anything possible to hold on to them—often at the expense of other souls dearly loved by God.

How beautiful these words from Jesus as he reassures us not to be afraid, “for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom”! Where God rules and reigns, there is meaning, there is peace, there is justice, there is flourishing, and there is wholeness.

In God’s kingdom we are safe, we are ascribed worth & meaning, and we are loved. This means that we are free to give away our little collections without giving way to our fears, because every fear is stilled in God’s presence, and our greater inheritance of a kingdom of goodness, justice, peace, and wholeness was secured by the blood of the cross.

Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!

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