Monday, March 9, 2020

March 9 - The Power of Forgiveness

Acts 2:42-47

The power that flows from a community of forgiven people is a palpable power that leaps off the pages of this passage in Scripture. It’s a unique power and authority that we strain our eyes to see, at least with consistency and authenticity, in our church communities today. This passage paints a picture of Christian freedom lived out in community. This is a freedom that transcends any kind of political or socio-economic system. They felt the Spirit of God at work among them.

There is a unity and commonality that binds a group of sinners together who know that they are a forgiven people. There is an equality felt nowhere else in this world, than at the foot of the cross where humans look up at Christ and know, first, that’s God. And secondly, we killed God. And Christ, in His rich mercy looks down at me and you and makes us a promise with His very life, “You are forgiven.”

Christ’s words of forgiveness produce a freedom otherwise not known in this world. You are freed not from this world but set right back into the world to see your neighbor’s needs and meet them in joy, knowing that your abundance can meet other’s scarcity. And your scarcity is not a problem that cannot be met by God’s provision for you through the freedom of your neighbor. 

 So, if you are longing for a community of faith where the Spirit brings this kind of freedom, head back to the cross and hear once again the accusation that you are a sinner. But take heart sinner, the promise of forgiveness from our God and Savior is available again today for you and for me.

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