Sunday, March 15, 2020

March 16 - Let God Take Care of It

Who feels good about the current political climate? There seems to be more divisive tactics taking place these days. The goal of each party isn't to tell what they believe. Instead, it has been to do nothing more than slander the other and admit to no wrongdoing. There is fake news and what is based in fact is never objectively reported. How can we honestly believe that God’s authority is granted to all rulers?

It’s impossible to not mix church and state because all power is from God. That means that all rulers are servants of God. They are given power to protect and punish and we are to respond by showing respect and by doing good. Somehow, if we honor authority, God’s sovereignty reigns and His will is done.

What a comfort for those who are worried about the future! Many of us are frightened about where the world is headed given the current state of affairs. However, with confidence in God’s power, we can rest in knowing that His plan will reign regardless of who is in office.

All we need do is trust God and always speak well of those in authority. We’re to respect them and show them appreciation. Because the Kingdom of God will come, His will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Let’s align ourselves with this promise and God will take care of the rest!

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