Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Topsy Turvey Love

The palm branches which were strewn on the path when He entered the city, remain as a reminder of the wondrous event that just took place. They lay broken and trampled, only a memory. The donkey His disciples appropriated, had been returned to its home. Following Jesus' entrance to Jerusalem, it was business as usual for most.

Then, Jesus, unlike earthly kings, went directly to the temple. The temple, the place where one would expect to encounter God. But, before He entered, He had to clear the temple for a second time. The first was at the beginning of His ministry (John 2:13-22), and this time nearing the end. Then...The blind and the lame came to him at the temple, and he healed them. 

Sweeping thru the temple, cleaning out the money changers, turning over tables and pushing the deceit and dishonesty out of the temple, He restored the temple to a house of prayer, as the Father intended. Then, drama over, Jesus goes back to his real business, He heals the sick and broken. Little children are circling Jesus. Starving for love they reach out, and reach up, to Jesus. And He embraces them.

The children were young, but they knew goodness when they encountered it. Jesus wanted all people--the sick and injured and the little ones, to praise Him. And all the while, the Pharisees are watching and waiting for a moment to pounce. They made it their business to stop Jesus from loving His people. All the people who they feel unworthy of their time and attention, Jesus enfolds in His loving arms.  

When the Pharisees objected to the company He kept, He silenced them with, “have you never read, ‘From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise?’” (Psalm 8:2)

Jesus is setting an example here, of how we should behave, of how we should love at all times. Thinking of your own situation, who could you love more? How can you show someone how very much Jesus loves them and wants to have relationship with them? 

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