Sunday, March 22, 2020

March 23 - Power Struggle

John 5:16-30

So many of the stories we read in scripture lately, tell us how the Pharisees and religious leaders are always just around the corner, watching. They could be the stars of a murder mystery. In fact that is just what they are. Their plotting and devious presence is for the purpose of stopping this man, Jesus, at any cost.

They are threatened by Him. Jesus has become popular and His eloquent teaching and magnetism scares them. They have seen the miracles he has performed, and they have heard Him proclaim His relationship to God the Father. So, they charge Him with blasphemy and do all they can to rile up the crowds. They are attempting to stir up the people so that Jesus isn't an issue anymore.

Little do they know; Jesus will always be an issue. He is touching the hearts of fishermen, and farmers. He is capturing the attention of those who are poor, weak, sick and dying. He is curing them, gathering with them, and loving them. Tax collectors are His friends. But He doesn't play favorites. He was there for everyone then, just as He is here for everyone now.

The religious leaders of Jesus' day were allowing Satan to use them to stop the spread of Jesus' Words. Did they recognized His holiness, and did they fear the competition? I think so. They were well versed in scripture and knew of the coming Messiah. I dare say, some probably recognized Jesus as the One. So, a power struggle ensued; except, it was not struggle for Jesus. He was and is the One who has all the power.

Discuss these verses and tell how they have impacted you, your life, and your faith. What do you think of the character of the Pharisees? Do you think any of them eventually repented and claimed Jesus?

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