Saturday, March 7, 2020
March 8 - Buying Our Way In
Mark 10:17-31
This passage is often titled "The Rich Young Man" or "The Rich Young Ruler." And I'm sure you have read it many times. The man earnestly wants to know what he should do to inherit eternal life. And Jesus tells him he has to sell everything, give it to the poor, and then come follow Him (v. 21). This was something he was not willing to do, and he walked away, downcast.
The rich young man wanted to earn his way into salvation. He told Jesus that he followed all the commandments - in fact, he had followed them since he was a boy! But when Jesus ever so gently pressed him on whether he would give up his great riches, he wasn't willing to do that. He wanted to find a way to salvation that didn't involve true sacrifice.
[As a sideline, I relate to Peter's comment in this passage. After the man left, Jesus commented on how hard it is for rich people to enter heaven. Peter proudly comments to the group: "We have left everything to follow you!" - v. 28. Peter had been a lowly fisherman before Jesus called him to follow him. Now I'm not saying that it is easier for poor people to give up their possessions, but I am saying that Peter needed to be careful of being proud of his sacrifice. How often do I do the same thing - I fail to notice my own sin, and I proudly boast to God how hard I am working for him.]
How are you 'earning' your salvation? You may not have given up all you own to the poor. But you may be proud of your service. Be careful! Jesus reminds us that salvation doesn't come from our works, but from giving our hearts - our lives - to him. He tells us that 'no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for e and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields- and with them, persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life.' (v. 30).
Yes, eternal life will be ours. (Note that he also promises persecution).
Ask the Lord for a heart of service. And, daily, remind yourself that the first will be last. And thank him for the gift of eternal life.
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